UPLULA Universal Pistol Magazine Loader

32.48 IVA incluido

REF: n.d. Categorias: , Product ID: 1694


The Uplula loader is a military quality personal universal pistol magazine loader. Uplula utilizes a radical new design, which allows for easy and smooth loading of practically ALL single and double stack pistol magazines (except for .22cal).
While loading you can support the base of the magazine on your body/thigh or on a table when available.

– Loads all* .45, .40, 10mm, .357, 38S and 9mm caliber rounds and magazines; both single and double stack mags.
– No inserts, spacers or adjustments at all! One size fits all.
– Easy and quick loading; Rounds just drop in with no fingers pushing or forcing the rounds.
– Up to one round per sec. loading rate, with some practice.
– Fits in your hand and pocket, weighs only 66 grams (2.3 Ounce).
– Highly durable – constructed of the best reinforced polymer.
– No more strain or pain when loading those mags!
– Load hundreds of rounds, easily.
– One loader fits all!.

Load them all*:
– Astra, Auto Ordnance, Barak, Beretta, Browning, Bul, Colt, CZ, EAA, FN, Glock, HK, Hi-Point, High Standard,
Jerico, Kahr, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Les Baer, Llama, Luger, Magnum Research, Para Ordnance,
Phonix Arms, Ruger, Sigma, Sig/Sauer, S&W, Springfield Armory, Star, Steyr, Taurus, Vector, Walter, and more.

Informação adicional

Peso 0.1 kg

Rosa, Roxo, Verde Escuro, Amarelo, Azul, Branco, Laranja, Preto, Vermelho